Vegan Society’s Advisory Group

I recently accepted an invitation to join the Vegan Society’s Advisory Group (AG), which supports the organisation’s staff and trustees by conducting and sharing academic and other research relevant to veganism. Under AG’s auspices are various committees (e.g., legal, research) which give advice, recommend references and speak on behalf of The Vegan Society at external events and in the media.

Vegan Society logoI joined the Policy Committee whose role is to provide expertise on public policy and legislative issues related to veganism (e.g., public health, agriculture, animal welfare) and lobbying at all levels of government in the UK and EU. If you are interested in learning more about the Policy Committee and live and work in the UK and EU, please email me at to learn more about how you could potentially get involved.

To learn more about the Vegan Society’s Advisory Group, please click on this Vegan Society.

Thank you!